How To Recover Expenses

How To Recover Expenses
How To Recover Expenses

Table of contents:


At times, any business can fail and lose a lot of investment. And this is quite normal, since its success depends on many internal and external factors. There are several effective preventive measures to recover costs and control the financial flow of the enterprise.

How to recover expenses
How to recover expenses

It is necessary

  • - Accounting calculations;
  • - budget;
  • - credit statements;
  • - a computer;
  • - Internet access;
  • - telephone.


Step 1

Create a contingency fund. One of the explanations why it is difficult to recover the losses incurred by the company during force majeure is the lack of cash. Many business owners seek to invest most of their income in stocks, bonds, various markets, etc. This can play a cruel joke. Calculate the fund as follows: multiply your monthly income by 3-6 months. The resulting amount should secure the business for up to six months. It should be kept in reserve.

Step 2

Plan your budget for each month. Write in one column on a piece of paper the average monthly income, in the other - the necessary expenses for the same month. These may include costs of rent, personnel, products, taxes, insurance, etc. Cross out any non-essential expenses that are of no benefit, such as holidays or outdoor events. Always keep this list in front of your eyes in order to strictly follow the planned company plan.

Step 3

Keep your budget balanced or pay your bills on time and in full every month. If suddenly the question arises about an increase in the expense for any project, compensate for it at the expense of what you do not spend a lot of money on.

Step 4

Check your credit report for any misinformation and errors, especially regarding paid bills. Write a statement to the credit bureau to correct these inaccuracies. These amendments can significantly improve your credit score.

Step 5

Get rid of all debts and loans. It is no secret that most businesses exist on credit and thus run the risk of losing their assets in the event of unforeseen costs. The most important rule is to always repay debts in any form ahead of their maturity date. Thus, you can secure your financial situation and reimburse expenses.
