The distribution of funds at the enterprise is necessary to improve production activities, timely remuneration of labor to working personnel, as well as for the stable operation of the organization itself.

Step 1
Set a certain amount of funds that you can use when paying with suppliers and partners. This will help you to accept the necessary raw materials and materials for the production of goods without the formation of debt in the economic relations of the company.
Step 2
Determine the amount of cash flows that are needed to pay employees. You should always have this amount on the date when you plan to issue wages to employees of the enterprise.
Step 3
Calculate all the costs associated with the sale and release of products. In this case, the finances of the enterprise can be grouped according to the main directions: formed between the founders during the creation of the company regarding the creation of the authorized capital. It will be the initial source in the formation of production assets and in the acquisition of intangible assets.
Step 4
Calculate the costs that will arise with a transport company when transporting goods, with communication companies, customs, a foreign company. These relations will be the main ones in the formation of economic activity, because in the field of material production, the gross domestic product is created. They should account for the largest amount of payments.
Step 5
Distribute finances between the enterprise and its existing divisions: branches, departments, workshops, teams. This can directly affect the organization, as well as the rhythm of production.
Step 6
List the company's shares and bonds at the most favorable terms. This will allow you to get the maximum income on securities, as well as dividends on them.
Step 7
Determine the required amount of funds that will be able to cover advertising costs, various promotions to attract the largest number of customers.