Modern network marketing offers many opportunities to earn extra money or even start your own business. One of the most popular areas is the distribution of cosmetics. How do you get started in cosmetics companies?

Step 1
Register as a direct sales salesperson at one of the cosmetics company offices located in your city. Get catalogs, a business package and take a short training course.
Step 2
Define a circle of potential customers. Make a preliminary list of contacts. Depending on whether you will be selling goods in the "warm" sector (friends, relatives, acquaintances) or in the "cold" sector (all other clients), plan your working day, taking into account the refusals and travel time. Distribute cosmetics to organizations that mostly employ women.
Step 3
Show customers product samples. Offer catalogs for review. Constantly point out the advantages when buying a product, draw the buyer's attention to bonuses and discounts. Appeal to positive examples of the use of a particular cosmetic product.
Step 4
If the customer has chosen any product, fill out the company order form. Recommend other products to him - decorative cosmetics or cosmetics for face and body care. Suggest samples of perfumes, creams, lipsticks, etc. for your reference.
Step 5
Fill out the form in such a way that in case of a subsequent contact, the client can make an additional order and receive bonuses and discounts. Add the client to your contact list and periodically offer him options for the constantly updated products of the cosmetics company.
Step 6
Place block ads in the media to find leads and expand your distribution network. Describe all the benefits of direct selling to potential employees of the company. Sign contracts with new consultants in the office of the company and get bonuses, arrange for the receipt of interest for attracting employees to the work of the company.
Step 7
Once a week (or more often), by agreement with the company and in accordance with demand, hand over the completed order forms to the office, receive the goods and interest on the products already sold.