Having on hand a fairly large amount of money - a million, a person does not always know how to correctly spend his earnings. There are plenty of opportunities to use money efficiently for yourself or purely for pleasure. How to be able to properly spend a million?

Step 1
Charity is an option to spend a million for the benefit of society. Orphanages and homes for disabled people constantly lack material support. In addition, a lot of people need expensive surgeries and rare medicines, money is required to build temples and … If there is a desire to commit a noble deed, then helping a neighbor is the best use of money.
Step 2
Unforgettable journey. They are a good way to spend your money. A million will allow you to see the world, touch the beauty, enjoy the beauty of virgin nature and admire the monuments of architecture. The tour operator will help you choose the right tour depending on your preferences. You can go on a voyage around the world or see with your own eyes the greatest wonders of the world - the choice is entirely yours.
Step 3
Investing money in real estate is a profitable way to spend a million. Buying a home is not just a great investment, but a way to generate additional income. An apartment in the capital or a cottage abroad is unlikely to drop sharply in price. And in a few years they will recoup a tangible part of their cost - in the amount of 5 to 20%. A pleasant bonus to the purchase of overseas housing will be the opportunity to relax at any time of the year with significant savings on accommodation.
Step 4
Surround yourself with beautiful things. Not everyone can afford to buy an expensive watch or a painting by a famous surrealist artist. Buying collectible champagne or selective perfume is not pointless - indulge yourself, loved one. Pleasure for aesthetes and interior decoration can cost a tidy sum. You should not make such purchases through questionable intermediaries. Better to opt for trusted online auctions or reputable private collectors.