Establishing a catering establishment is a reliable way of investing. But at the same time, you need to attract customers. One of the possible ways to gain new visitors is the unusual format of a retro cafe.

Choice of premises, furnishings
The number of visitors will directly depend on the choice of premises for your retro cafe. It is desirable that the building is located as close as possible either to the center of your settlement, or to the historical part of the city. Also, a big plus will be the presence of your own history in the building in which you will rent (buy) premises.
For interior decoration, it is desirable to use traditional materials: wood, fabric. If you do not have the financial ability to use natural parquet, it will be enough to use high-quality linoleum "dark wood" or "marble". Silverware, crystal or thin glass can also attract visitors.
Advertising and marketing
It is not enough to create a retro cafe, you also need to attract visitors, because it is they who will bring you prosperity, allow your establishment to stay afloat. Positioning is becoming one of the biggest challenges for the new café. You have to be clear about what audience your cafe will attract. If these are students, then it is best to advertise it in universities, youth publications of the city, on online resources. You can connect contextual advertising. A well-crafted dining offer (with great prices) will enable you to attract a young audience.
It is preferable to attract people of mature age with lucrative offers for companies, showing sports events. Radio and local TV will be the most suitable advertising platforms. Often, small radio stations popular with mature people are ready to accept a certificate for an evening in a retro cafe as a prize for the competition.
What do they eat in a retro cafe?
Composing a menu for a retro cafe is just as important as choosing a good location and attracting new customers. If people are not satisfied with the assortment of your cafe, they will not come to you again. But it is the regular visitors who can protect your establishment in difficult times.
It is advisable to entrust the creation of the menu to the chef of a famous restaurant (drinking establishment). Some of your audience will come for a solid meal, the rest will just want to spend time in a pleasant atmosphere, have a little snack. Therefore, the first one will need to provide a set of soups, meat dishes and side dishes, while the second one needs desserts, drinks, salads and snacks.
You can focus on traditional Russian (pancakes, okroshka, hops) or European (fruits, beef, artichokes, wine) cuisine. The weeks of the cuisine of different countries and periods can be alternated - the main thing is to indicate this information in the menu.
Activities, entertainment
The selection of a team of animators and presenters is usually ignored by the owners of drinking establishments and cafes, although it is the people who are the soul of any place. If you manage to make sure that within your walls people can not only eat, drink and communicate with each other, but also come to interesting events, then nothing will threaten your retro cafe.
Poetry evenings, "Mafias" in costumes and dresses, creative meetings with photographers and musicians can make a name for your retro cafe. This way you will get popularity, visitors and money flow.