Working in the securities market can bring a stable high income. In addition, investing in company stocks is a very good investment option. But for independent trading in securities, a novice investor must know a lot and be able to. In particular, understand where it is better to open a brokerage account.

Currently, brokerage services are offered by many companies. Therefore, the investor's task is to choose the most convenient and reliable option. You should work with companies that have proven their reliability and responsibility to customers.
One of these companies is Sberbank of Russia. For some time now, it has provided its clients with access to trading in shares on the Moscow Interbank Currency Exchange, which works with securities of Russian companies.
How to open a brokerage account with Sberbank
To open an account, it is enough to contact the nearest branch of Sberbank and find out where you can conclude an agreement for brokerage services. It will be concluded with you immediately or they will name the address of the Sberbank institution you need. As a rule, the agreement can be concluded at the central branch of Sberbank in the regional center.
You need to have a passport, TIN, a Sberbank bank card or a savings book that you have. You will also need about 2,000 rubles to pay for a flash drive with software. For trading, you will be provided with a very convenient program - the QUIK trading terminal. You will be able to work directly from your computer, you will have access to information on all trading instruments, including the shares of "blue chips" - the leading Russian companies.
Orders for the purchase and sale of shares can be submitted by phone, but working through a computer is much more convenient. It is very important that when working with a trading terminal, you will have the opportunity to analyze the dynamics of the exchange rate using a variety of technical analysis tools. The Sberbank website has training materials that will help a beginner get started in the securities market.
Opening an account with other brokerage companies
The main condition for opening an account with other brokers is the same - their reliability. You can work with large banks or specialized brokerage companies. Before making a choice, be sure to look online for reviews about the work of the institution you are interested in. In particular, how easy it is for clients to withdraw their funds. With a reliable company, the payment takes a maximum of several days, there are no problems with the withdrawal of funds.
To start trading stocks, you need to deposit a certain amount into your account. For comfortable trading, you must have at least 20,000 rubles. Some companies set a minimum deposit amount, others do not. In any case, it is not recommended to start trading without having at least 10,000 rubles on your account. Before starting the real work, you should practice for a while on a free demo account, this will allow you to learn the basic techniques of trading.