Opening a brokerage company is certainly a good and profitable business, according to market participants. However, this entire business remains relevant only in one specific direction - work on the stock and securities market.

It is necessary
- - Rented premises;
- - broker;
- - personal bank account;
- - notarized documents.
Step 1
Select the type of brokerage company. Today it is better to open a sub-broker rather than an internet broker. The first type is an organization that cooperates with other long-known economic structures. This helps to minimize the risk and cost of implementing business ideas and increase the profitability of the business.
Step 2
Register your company as a legal entity. Then visit the relevant authorities and get a license giving the right to provide brokerage services.
Step 3
Hire the necessary staff. It is better if you know professional people working in the field of stock sales. You don't need a lot of jobs in the beginning, just a few people who know their business are enough.
Step 4
Choose a rented space according to the state, preferably with a small division into two zones: an office for company employees and a reception area for communicating with clients. The most important tools needed for normal operation are a telephone and a computer with high speed wireless internet. Be sure to install it all in your office.
Step 5
Get advertising funds. These can be provided by the parent company who is interested in representing your organization. So, another advantage of starting a business as a sub-broker is the convenience of receiving the costs of promotion thanks to the efforts of a financial organization that has taken you under its wing. The advertising budget is usually divided in the future in a 50/50 proportion.
Step 6
Choose your target audience. This is easy to do if you know how to correctly build a strategy for your actions. Advertising, for example, is best done first on broadcast channels that are watched by young people as well as middle-aged people.