For work to bring not only pleasure, but also money, you need to choose the right profession. Both high school students and people who decide to radically change their field of activity face difficulties in choosing. We suggest that you familiarize yourself with the top profitable professions and choose the one that you like more.

The highest salary can be found in the management team. General directors of companies receive on average about 250-275 thousand rubles. The rate for commercial directors is slightly lower - 180-200 thousand. Financial and technical directors receive from 130 to 170 thousand rubles.
Only a few manage to break through to the very top of the career ladder. Future managers have to work long and hard, perfect their professionalism and organizational skills. In addition, most employers do not want to hire people under the age of 30 for leadership positions. It is worth remembering this before sending out your resume.
The most profitable professions
According to RIA Novosti, programmers receive the highest salary in 2018. The average income of specialists in Moscow varies from 100 to 120 thousand rubles. Petersburg programmers get a little less - from 80 to 100 thousand. In the regions, salaries are lower - 60-70 thousand rubles.

The second highly paid position is business development manager. In the capital and St. Petersburg, specialists receive about 70-80 thousand rubles. In the regions, salaries are lower, but not much - 60-70 thousand. System administrators and auditors receive about the same amount.
At the beginning of 2018, real estate agents, marketing and PR specialists, economists and lawyers also registered high salaries. In the capital, representatives of these professions received 70-80 thousand rubles, and in the regions - 40-50 thousand.

The giant of the HR industry, HeadHunter, has shared its own statistics. On the site this year, employers have often searched and continue to search for people working in the fields of trade, information technology, marketing and advertising. The number of resumes in comparison with last year has grown by 25%, and vacancies - by 48%. The average salary of a specialist varies around 40-44 thousand rubles.
The most demanded professions
HR specialists have compiled the top professions that will be in demand in the next 2-3 years. In 2018–2020 qualified engineers, robotics specialists, architects, design engineers will be needed. The demand for people who understand IT will also increase - programmers, web designers.

More vacancies will appear in the field of marketing and PR. The most demanded professions in the present and in the future are marketer and internet marketer, designer, PR specialist, sales manager. Companies are ready to employ not only graduates, but also talented self-taught people who have completed courses.

The demand for people working in specialties will not decrease. Employers will be interested in experienced locksmiths, electricians, welders, machinists and machinery operators. Financiers, lawyers and linguists will traditionally remain in demand.