Invoice-offer: Order And Nuances Of Drawing Up A Document

Invoice-offer: Order And Nuances Of Drawing Up A Document
Invoice-offer: Order And Nuances Of Drawing Up A Document

The offer invoice contains information about the product and the terms of delivery. It is considered a legally significant document. Despite the absence of a unified form, companies must adhere to the registration rules when filling out.

Invoice-offer: order and nuances of drawing up a document
Invoice-offer: order and nuances of drawing up a document

An offer-invoice is a detailed document in which both standard data on goods and services and the terms of delivery are registered. It specifies the payment periods, delivery methods, and transportation requirements. A feature of the form is the ability to sign it by only one side. When paying the invoice, the recipient automatically agrees with the established conditions.

When is the invoice drawn up?

Most often, the need for it arises in large companies that have a large number of customers, consumers or buyers. Keeping individual documentation in this case can be difficult. Especially if the parties live at long distances from each other.

The offer invoice can also be used for mass mailing of commercial offers. Its main features are urgency or limited time. It can take many forms. With a downtime for a proposal, a negative answer is possible, with a firm one, an offer is formed for a specific consumer.

The law provides for the possibility of revoking such an account if the offer is public. This is possible in cases where there is a mass distribution of offers with a limited quantity of goods. Withdrawal allows you to avoid the payment of a penalty and subsequent liability.

Compilation procedure

The client or consumer will understand the offer if the document is written in clear and simple language. Be sure to correctly indicate the subject in question. The form consists of three parts:

  • "cap";
  • sentence;
  • description of conditions.

The “header” contains the name of the selling company, its contact details and details. The document is assigned a number, the date of its preparation is indicated. Below is the details of the buyer.

When making the proposal itself, a table is often used. It indicates the serial number, name of the product or service, unit of measurement, quantity and price, total cost. If desired, additional columns can be added to the table.

In the terms of the contract, you can see the date and method of transportation, the requirements for the goods acceptance procedure. You can specify what actions should be taken when a malfunction or defects is detected.

The invoice-offer is drawn up on the company's letterhead or on a simple sheet of a convenient format for products. The document will be considered valid both in handwritten form and using computer technology. The seal can be omitted. Its need arises only if it is stated in the acts of the company.

Nuances of drawing up a document

The document does not have a unified form, it may not correspond to the accounting documentation. You can easily download a free sample online. It can also be used as a template for creating your letterhead. If a trustee participates in signing the contract, the data of the base document are filled in next to the signature.

The offer invoice has no legal force until it is accepted. The latter implies an agreement to sign a contract. The company sends clients an offer. The buyer studies the form, after that they express their consent to purchase the goods, make the required amount. If the second party has suggestions or comments, they are sent to the seller. An agreement is concluded when both parties come to a "common denominator".

If such a document does not suit the customer, then you can duplicate the information, calling the form "Agreement". At the same time, it additionally includes all the mandatory clauses of the classic agreement.

In conclusion, we note that the offer-invoice is becoming one of the most popular documents in the field of trade and services. It must contain the phrase that the document is the basis for payment. Despite its structure, the form has all the necessary legal data. Therefore, if necessary, it can be used in the course of legal proceedings.
