The basis for VAT refunds from the budget is the data from the declaration for the reporting period. In accordance with the Tax Code of the Russian Federation, one of the reasons for VAT refunds is the resulting difference between the amounts of tax deductions based on the results of the tax period and the total amount of tax calculated on transactions.

Step 1
Report to the tax authority for the reporting period, the declaration must contain the amount of tax that you want to reimburse from the budget.
Step 2
If you do not have tax arrears, write an application for a refund of value added tax. In this document, be sure to mark the reimbursement option that suits you: on account of debt, or offset against forthcoming tax payments, indicating the bank account to which the tax authority is obliged to make the transfer.
Step 3
The tax authority must begin a desk audit to prove whether you are truly claiming VAT refunds from the budget.
Step 4
Within seven days after you filed your refund documents, the tax authority must decide whether to refund the amounts specified in your application, or refuse refunds, or partially refund VAT.
Step 5
If your organization has arrears of interest or fines for taxes, then the tax authority, in accordance with the Tax Code of the Russian Federation, without prior notice makes a set-off of the amounts subject to reimbursement towards the repayment of your debts to the state.
Step 6
The tax authority is obliged to send the decision on the VAT refund to the territorial office of the Federal Treasury the next day after the decision on the refund is made.
Step 7
Within five days after receiving the decision, the Territorial Authority of the Federal Treasury must reimburse the amount of tax and within the same period must notify the tax authority on what day and what amount was transferred to reimburse you funds. And he, in turn, is obliged to send you a notice of refund, offset, or refusal to refund tax from the budget
Step 8
If, after twelve days after the completion of the tax authority's inspection of your documents and their decision to refund VAT, you still have not received a notification, then interest is charged on this amount in accordance with the refinancing rate of the Central Bank of the Russian Federation. This interest is paid to you in the same way as the VAT refund transaction itself, i.e. within five days after the decision on payments is made.