Is It Possible To Get Some Of The Money Spent For Installing Braces Back?

Is It Possible To Get Some Of The Money Spent For Installing Braces Back?
Is It Possible To Get Some Of The Money Spent For Installing Braces Back?

Experts believe that the return of social tax deductions, including for the installation of braces, is the right of absolutely any patient, you should not hesitate to use it.


If you want to return a small part of the funds that you had to spend on treatment with an orthodontist, then this desire can only be welcomed. After all, not everyone can afford treatment with braces. Absolutely in any large clinic where patients are respected, they will definitely advise on how you can do this, and give all the documents.

Naturally, you should not consult the doctor himself on such issues, just contact the reception. Today it is quite possible to get a tax deduction for the installation of braces, as well as for absolutely any expensive treatment at the dentist. Another conversation is that for this purpose it will be necessary to collect documents. As a result, the amount received is not so large, but it's up to you.

You should start with a basic question: what is the tax deduction for installed braces today? The maximum amount of all compensation, as a rule, is 120,000 rubles. You can only refund 13% of this amount. That is about 15,000 rubles. It is also worth noting that the size of the payments themselves mainly depends on how much income tax for individuals, that is, personal income tax, you paid throughout the year. If you do not pay taxes at all and are not a working citizen, then, as a rule, there can be no talk about deductions.

What documents do you need to collect to get your money back?

Let's say you have decided on the amount itself. Now you should consider what kind of paper you will have to collect so that you can apply for the deduction itself:

  1. A document confirming payment for medical services, you can get it at the clinic where the braces were installed, you will have to provide the original, not a copy.
  2. The agreement on the provision of all services, you can provide just a certified copy.
  3. The license of the institution itself for the permanent implementation of all activities, take a copy with you, it must also be certified by a notary.
  4. Payment documents (these include various receipts, as well as payment orders and checks) will not be useful formally. However, in practice, the tax authorities may also require checks. For this reason, it is necessary to capture them as well.
  5. Income document in the form called 2-NDFL. If you work in several places at once, then this help will be required from each of them.
  6. If you pay for the installation of braces not for yourself, but for a child who has not reached the age of majority, then you will have to take with you his birth certificate (it is advisable to take with you not only the original, but also a copy).
  7. Application for the provision of taxes. Fill it in any form.
  8. Income tax declaration. You can fill it out only before submitting the documents, but it is advisable to do everything in advance.
  9. Medical policy.

It is also worth highlighting another key point: you can receive a deduction only within 3 years after the period after the installation of braces in the clinic ends. Of course, this is quite a long time, but in no case should you delay the collection, as well as the submission of documents. This period is considered not so small, however, you shouldn't delay with it, you can just waste time, as well as capital.

You can also get a tax deduction for placing braces on your child. How can you arrange a deduction? What documents are required for this? After all, braces are so-called orthodontic devices that are installed by a specialist, and, as a rule, for money. It turns out that the tax deduction for braces for your child belongs to the category of deductions, and their receipt is regulated by article 219 of the Tax Code of our country.

An important enough condition under which you can get the deduction in question is the so-called availability of the clinic that installs the braces themselves, a license to carry out activities, and it must be formalized strictly according to the law. The payment can be received by the mother or father of the child. Child payments are made within four weeks after submission of documents.

Of course, not many people like the paperwork, as well as collecting certificates, but it's worth it. As a result, you can spend the money saved and returned for a refund on something else. After all, bite correction today is a big expense.
