How To Get Rid Of The Fear Of Running Out Of Money

How To Get Rid Of The Fear Of Running Out Of Money
How To Get Rid Of The Fear Of Running Out Of Money

Fear of being left without money often arises literally from scratch and can resemble a panic attack - a feeling of sudden and intense anxiety that has no serious reasons. It is important to carefully understand the situation in order to stop worrying about the safety of personal finances.

How to get rid of the fear of running out of money
How to get rid of the fear of running out of money

The main reasons for the fear of losing money

Think back to when you had a fear for your personal finances. Perhaps you have heard or read news somewhere about the likelihood of a collapse of the national currency or the adoption of certain laws regarding the activities of banks. In case of strong concern, it is better to check the reliability of the sources, to study the information presented in them in more detail. Such situations in the country are quite rare, and usually the government tries to solve financial problems at the state level as soon as possible.

Count all your personal savings. Collect documents with agreements on opening personal bank accounts in one folder. It is better to personally visit the relevant credit institutions and request an account statement. Check the safety and functionality of all existing bank cards. Perhaps some of them will expire in the near future, and it is better to arrange their duplicates in advance so as not to lose solvency.

Some people prefer to keep cash at home and do not use the services of money. On the one hand, it is convenient, since the required amount is always at hand, and there is no need to pay extra for the services of credit institutions. However, often at the same time, a fear arises subconsciously that something will happen to the money, for example, it will burn in a fire, or some intruder will steal it. Large amounts must be deposited with the bank.

Make sure that the bank you use is reliable. Study the information about him presented on the website of the controlling organization - the Central Bank of the Russian Federation. If the bank's position is recognized as unreliable, and in the near future it may lose its license, it is advisable to transfer your finances to another organization with a positive reputation for safekeeping. In addition, it is best to keep personal savings in accounts with several banks.

Request a personal retirement account statement. This can be done at the nearest branch of the state or non-state pension fund in which you are a member. Make sure that everything is in order with the savings for seniority, and when you reach old age, the state will regularly pay the due monthly amount.

Think about whether the job suits you financially? Perhaps you are not receiving high enough wages, or you are under threat of layoffs or layoffs. An insecure workplace is one of the main causes of fear for your financial situation. Probably, in this case, it would be better to change the place of work in favor of a more reliable and highly paid one. It is also very important that the work is formal. This means that the employer transfers certain amounts of money to your retirement account, and in old age you will have something to live on.

Why else there is concern about the safety of money

Constant dissatisfaction with your financial situation can ultimately lead to the fear of being completely without money. This often happens among people who do not keep records of personal finances and prefer to lead a "wasteful" lifestyle. Be sure to make a list of the major purchases you make every month. Leave only the most essential food and household items in it.

Try to save at least a small amount of money every month. They can be given to the bank for saving by opening savings accounts, or they can be disposed of in another profitable way, for example, by investing. Make sure that only you have access to personal finance. To do this, you should create unique PIN codes for bank cards, issue an insurance policy and use other means of protection.

Sometimes the fear of losing all the money can arise even in cases where, it would seem, personal finances are not in danger. Most likely, they have a certain psychological basis. Perhaps in childhood or later age, you experienced a severe lack of funds, and from then on, you are afraid to return to this position. Try to combat fear by periodically checking your accounts and simply keeping track of your finances. If the panic attacks persist, it makes sense to seek help from a professional psychotherapist.
