An interest-free loan agreement is a rather rare type of a loan agreement and is used mainly between individuals who are related by kinship or friendship. It is also issued at enterprises when it is necessary to deposit the participant's funds without paying taxes.

Step 1
Determine the currency of the loan. The easiest way is to use rubles, since there is no need to recalculate exchange rates on the date of the loan and on the date of its repayment. Otherwise, it is necessary to provide for the procedure for issuing and repaying a loan. For example, you can indicate that funds are issued and returned in rubles, but in an equivalent amount to a certain amount of foreign currency. Be sure to clarify these points in the agreement so that in the future there will be no disputes due to a sharp change in the exchange rate.
Step 2
Indicate in the agreement that the loan is interest-free. If you skip this point, then the lender has every right to demand a monthly payment of interest, which is calculated at the refinancing rate of the Central Bank of the Russian Federation. At the same time, non-payment of this interest may lead to the imposition of penalties and legal proceedings.
Step 3
Set a loan repayment period. The parties can agree on any terms and prescribe them in the terms of the contract. If you skip this point or indicate "on demand", then the debtor is obliged to return the borrowed funds within 30 days from the date of receipt of the loan claim from the creditor. This request is documented by an appropriate letter or statement and is submitted against signature or by registered mail.
Step 4
Remember that the loan agreement is real. This means that the moment of conclusion is the actual transfer of funds, which is drawn up by an appropriate receipt or cash receipt order. In this regard, the contract can indicate a fairly large amount and note that it will be transferred in parts. This method is especially useful for businesses that occasionally borrow small amounts from founders. This will avoid a lot of workflow.