How To Determine The Amount Of Insurance Compensation

How To Determine The Amount Of Insurance Compensation
How To Determine The Amount Of Insurance Compensation

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The legislation of the Russian Federation regulates the need to indicate in property insurance contracts the procedure for determining insurance compensation. Its calculation is carried out depending on the damage received and the type of insured property, an accident or accident, a natural disaster, as well as on which person is the policyholder. In any case, the procedure for carrying out this work is practically the same for all options.

How to determine the amount of insurance compensation
How to determine the amount of insurance compensation


Step 1

Establish the fact of occurrence of the insured event, which corresponds to the insurance contract. Write a statement about the insured event that has occurred, indicate the list of stolen, damaged or destroyed property. Draw up an insurance act on this insured property, which confirms the fact, circumstances and reasons for the occurrence of the insured event. It is he who is the main document for determining the amount of insurance compensation. The act must be drawn up within three working days from the date of application. If necessary, firefighters, law enforcement and other bodies are involved, which have information about the circumstances of the insured event.

Step 2

Determine the amount of damage caused. To do this, from the value of the property according to the insurance assessment, it is necessary to subtract the amount of depreciation and the cost of residues that are suitable for building materials, adding to the resulting value the costs of bringing the property into proper form. As a rule, it is this procedure for determining the damage that is used. However, it can be changed depending on the specific situation of the insured event, which can be additionally discussed with the insurance company.

Step 3

Calculate the amount of insurance compensation. Its value depends on the system and level of insurance coverage for the insured property. Determine the amount of the sum insured, which is indicated in the contract between the insurer and the policyholder. The maximum amount of this amount is determined by the Law of the Russian Federation "On the organization of insurance business". It cannot be more than the actual value of the property, which was established at the time of the conclusion of the contract. Calculate the insurance indemnity, which is equal to the ratio of the actual damage to the insured value of the property, multiplied by the insured amount under the contract.
