How To Calculate A Pension For An Entrepreneur

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How To Calculate A Pension For An Entrepreneur
How To Calculate A Pension For An Entrepreneur

Video: How To Calculate A Pension For An Entrepreneur

Video: How To Calculate A Pension For An Entrepreneur
Video: Pension Plans for Entrepreneurs 2024, September

An individual entrepreneur using a simplified taxation system can only rely on a minimum pension. And what its size will be by the time they reach retirement age, no one can say. Various additional payments depend on the place of residence of the entrepreneur and the methods he uses to increase his future pension.

How to calculate a pension for an entrepreneur
How to calculate a pension for an entrepreneur

It is necessary

  • - data on the current minimum pension in the country;
  • - data on regional pension supplements at your place of residence, if applicable;
  • - data on the supplement to the future pension due to the co-financing program, if you participate in it;
  • - pension calculator of a non-state pension fund, if you participate in any of its programs.


Step 1

Based on the size of the minimum pension in the country. The annual compulsory contributions that you make to extra-budgetary funds, including pension funds, guarantee that you will receive exactly this amount. It is impossible to predict what it will be like by the time you reach retirement age. It is only known that by 2014 they promise to increase it to 14 thousand rubles. per month. But it can be assumed that whatever it is equal to, its purchasing power will be small.

Step 2

Add a regional supplement to the amount of the minimum pension, if it is paid in your region (few constituent entities of the Russian Federation can afford it). For example, in Moscow, due to a supplement from the local budget, the minimum pension is on average 20 percent higher than in the country. Please note that if you are registered in one region, and live and operate in another, the regional pension legislation of the one where you are registered at the place of residence applies to your case.

Step 3

Increase the amount of your future pension by about 1 thousand rubles a month if you participate in the program of its state co-financing and intend to transfer 12 thousand rubles to the Pension Fund of the Russian Federation. annually for 10 years.

Step 4

Contact the specialists of the nearest territorial branch of the Pension Fund for help in accurate calculation if you plan to contribute more or less than the amount specified in step 3 under the co-financing program. Please note that the minimum contribution amount is 2 thousand rubles per year, the maximum is not limited. Moreover, if you deposit from 2 thousand to 12 thousand rubles. per year, the state adds to your retirement account exactly the same amount as you transferred under the co-financing program for the year. If you have contributed more than 12 thousand rubles. per year, the state will still add only 12 thousand rubles.

Step 5

Use the pension calculator on the website of a non-state pension fund with which you are in a contractual relationship to calculate the amount of additional payment to your future pension based on the monthly contributions you make to this fund. Pension calculators on the websites of many non-state pension funds allow calculating the amount of future pensions for all Russian future pensioners, including individual entrepreneurs. However, keep in mind that the total amount will be only approximate: during the time before your retirement, the relevant legislation may change more than once, and the profitability of state and non-state pension funds with your contributions from work is calculated on the basis of average indicators.
