Young parents are often interested in how to get maternity capital if the children are registered in different places. In fact, the procedure for obtaining a subsidy from the state is almost the same in all cases.

Who is eligible for maternity capital
A certificate for maternity capital is issued to a mother with Russian citizenship who has given birth or adopted a second and all subsequent children. In 2018, the amount for each subsequent child is 453,026 rubles. Also, the certificate can be issued to a man who is the only adoptive parent of the second and subsequent children. A similar law was passed in 2007 and has been extended until 2021. Subsequently, payments for the third and subsequent children are expected to increase approximately threefold.
Minors, as well as persons studying in higher and secondary specialized educational institutions before the end of their studies or citizens' attainment of the age of 23, have the right to receive appropriate payments. The law applies in cases where both parents (or one, if he is the only one) have terminated the right to appropriate state support.
Parents who change their citizenship or refuse to raise a child and the rights to it (including forcibly by law enforcement agencies) are subject to the deprivation of the opportunity to apply for and receive a matriculation capital. Other family situations, including the registration of two or more children in different places, do not contradict the law, therefore, maternity capital must be paid in accordance with all the rules.
How to get a certificate for maternity capital
To obtain a certificate after the birth of a second child and subsequent children, you must contact the territorial office of the Pension Fund of the Russian Federation at the place of residence or actual residence of the parents. The submission of an application for the issuance of a certificate can be submitted by a citizen independently or through an authorized representative. It is also possible to submit documents by mail or through the Internet portal "Gosuslugi". You can use the corresponding right immediately after the birth or adoption of the next child, and at a later date, if it is convenient for the parents.
In addition to the application to the Pension Fund, the following documents must be submitted:
- parent's civil passport;
- birth certificates of children (or certificates of adoption for adopted children);
- documents damaging the identity and powers of the trustee or legal representative of the parents (if necessary).
In addition, it is necessary to confirm the Russian citizenship of a child (children) born or adopted after January 1, 2007. To do this, a corresponding stamp of the passport and visa service is affixed in the birth certificate or a special insert is provided (issued before February 7, 2007).
In special cases, you will need such documents as: certificate of death or deprivation of parental rights of a woman who gave birth or adopted children applying for maternity capital; a notification from the internal affairs bodies about a deliberate crime committed by a woman against a child (provided by the father to confirm exclusive parental rights).
If both parents have died or have lost their rights to a child, the latter has the right to apply for the appropriate allowance through a guardian (until the age of 18) or independently (from 18 to 23 years old in cases provided for by law). At the same time, registration for children applying for capital is not verified, and the PF RF has no right to refer to it for refusing to provide state aid. In the event of a violation of civil rights, applicants can draw up a claim by sending it to a higher authority (management) of the Pension Fund of the Russian Federation, as well as a statement of claim to a court.