It is possible that not everyone knows about this, but any credit card must always be closed. For example, if you paid one hundred percent of your existing debt to the bank, but did not close your credit card, then, after a while, you will certainly be notified that you have an outstanding debt, which you did not even know about. Of course, this is very easy to avoid if you calculate, track and stop some moments in time.

Each bank can dictate completely different, its own rules, but each bank has a common part, which will always remain the same for all banks. So what should you do if you decide to block your credit card.
There are several steps to take. The first is to come to a bank or a bank branch to find out if you have any debt to the bank. Second, you need to pay off the existing debt, and after that write a special statement in which you ask to close the personal credit card issued to you. After the employees receive your written application, they must comply with your request and destroy your credit card in your presence.
There are times when it takes about forty-five days to close your existing credit card, during which you can also use your credit card.
Let's talk in more detail. Be sure to take your passport, a copy of the contract and the card with you when you go to close it. Do not give your copy of the agreement to the bank, as the employee must have his own copy. Ask to close your credit account, not your card, or simply refuse the bank's services in the application. Of course, not from all services, but from additional ones that he provided you with your card. The bank employee is obliged to register with you both the documents and the application for closing the credit card, after which you will need to receive a copy of the document that confirms the acceptance of the application.
In addition to your application, the document must contain the full name of the employee who accepted your application, as well as the date, signature of the employee and the seal of the bank. Then the bank employee must be with you to cut the card into several parts. It is best if you really see this process for yourself. It will also be useful to order a special certificate from the bank stating that your loans have been repaid, even if you need to spend a little money to obtain such a certificate.