In the course of the organization's economic activities, situations occur when it is necessary to reimburse the paid amount of VAT, that is, to return the overpaid tax from the budget. The reasons for this can be different: ranging from an error in the calculation and ending with operations related to export or import.

Refunding value added tax, you may face a number of difficulties. After all, the tax has already been paid to the state budget, and the authorities do not want to part with the money received. Therefore, when submitting an updated declaration, be prepared for a tax audit (office, field).
VAT refunds can be carried out in two ways. The first is to offset the tax, that is, the amount that the state must reimburse you, you deduct from the subsequent payment. For example, in July 2011 you paid VAT to the budget equal to 10,000 rubles. In August, you discovered an error that you registered one invoice twice in the sales ledger. Thus, the amount you had to pay is 9800 rubles. You are submitting an updated declaration. When paying the subsequent payment, withhold those 200 rubles that were paid in excess.
You can also use a refund of the overpaid VAT amount. To do this, you need to contact your tax office and write an application for a refund of the overpaid tax amount. Attach a bank statement to this form, which confirms the transfer of the VAT amount; if an export or import operation was carried out, provide a contract with a foreign partner, a customs declaration and transport documents.
In the event that you decide to reimburse VAT, you must bring all financial and accounting documents in order. It will be better if, before checking, you invite auditors who will point out your mistakes and shortcomings to you.
In the event that you submitted an application for VAT refund and you received a refusal, you have the right to file a claim in court. To do this, you also need to prepare all correspondence with the tax authorities, tax returns, acts and any decisions of the tax authority, account statements, contracts with partners and other documents that confirm the amount of calculation and payment of VAT.