How to recover VAT paid on the purchase of goods, works and services? For VAT refunds, tax legislation has introduced the concept of a tax deduction, which is well known to any accountant.

Step 1
For VAT refunds, first of all, get primary documents and invoices from the seller of goods, works, services. Check the correctness of their filling, since most of the decisions of the tax authorities on the impossibility of VAT recovery are made due to incorrect paperwork. In addition to incorrect registration or lack of primary documents, tax authorities may refuse to refund VAT if the purchased goods, works, services were not used in taxable activities; the invoice was issued in violation of the deadline; goods, works, services are not taken into account.
Step 2
The invoice, as the main document giving the right to a VAT refund, must contain a set of mandatory details, the signature of the head of the company and the chief accountant or authorized persons. Require the seller to issue an invoice in a timely manner: no later than five days from the date of shipment of goods, performance of work, provision of services.
Step 3
There are two ways of VAT refund: tax deduction and VAT refund from the budget. In the first case, fill out a VAT tax return, reducing the amount of VAT from the sale of goods, works or services by the amount of VAT received from the seller. In the second case, we are talking about situations when the amount of VAT received from the seller exceeds the amount of VAT from the sale of goods, works or services produced. In this case, draw up a VAT tax return and write an application addressed to the head of the tax authority for a VAT refund. And get ready for a cameral tax audit.