Registration of a credit agency, like any other credit organization, is carried out in strict accordance with the federal laws "On banks and banking activities" and "On state registration of legal entities and individual entrepreneurs." In addition, banking activities must be carried out on the basis of a license.

Step 1
To open a credit agency, apply for a license - a special permit issued by the Central Bank of the Russian Federation. In addition to the aforementioned laws, study in advance the instruction of the Bank of Russia "On the procedure for the Bank of Russia to make a decision on the state registration of credit institutions and the issuance of licenses for banking operations."
Step 2
Find candidates for the positions of manager and chief accountant. Increased requirements are imposed on their qualifications: they must have a higher special economic or legal education and managerial experience in a credit institution related to the implementation of banking operations. Such experience must be at least one year. In the absence of special education, the requirements for length of service are increased to two years. In addition, both the manager and the chief accountant must have no criminal record, and their business reputation must be impeccable.
Step 3
The founders of the credit agency also have high reputation requirements. They must be financially sound, and their activity in this area must be at least three years. The minimum authorized capital for a newly registered non-bank credit institution is 500 thousand euros. If there is such an amount and other conditions are met, write an application and an application for registration and issuance of a license for state registration of a credit institution to the territorial branch of the Central Bank of the Russian Federation at the place of the alleged location of the credit agency.
Step 4
In accordance with Ch. 3 Instructions of the Central Bank, attach information about the founders, authorized capital and documents confirming the sources of origin of these funds to the application and petition. Also, the package of necessary documents must include a business plan and a certificate of ownership of the premises where the agency will be located. In its absence, a lease agreement. Do not forget to attach the statutory documents, the memorandum of association, questionnaires for candidates for the head and chief accountant, a receipt for payment of the state fee for registration and issuance of a license.