Getting Feedback For An Info Product

Getting Feedback For An Info Product
Getting Feedback For An Info Product

Info-business is primarily the sale of various information products. However, many info course authors understand that their salesperson (the page to which potential buyers will be directed) needs a text review.

Getting feedback for an info product
Getting feedback for an info product

Info-business is primarily the sale of various information products. However, many info course authors understand that their salesperson (the page to which potential buyers will be directed) needs a text review.

But if an info-businessman (of course, a newbie who does not yet have a single review) begins to come up with reviews on his own, then often this leads to the fact that people who visit his page understand that this review is not real, but invented directly by the creator of this course (the thing is that the writing style is quite similar to the style of the review itself).

So it turns out that you need to look somewhere for reviews that would be written by other people. And the answer, oddly enough, is quite simple. You just have to go to any rewriting and copywriting exchange, register there as a customer, and then create an ad that you need text reviews about your information product. Naturally, all this is not so expensive as it would seem. In fact, it costs about 30 rubles (but you can find options for a cheaper cost or, on the contrary, order from masters who are gurus in writing such reviews), but for a start it is best not to be sprayed on it.

In the assignment, you should briefly state the benefits of your info course so that copywriters can come up with something original about your information course. It is advisable that they write about how their life has changed since taking your info course.

After that, the process can be considered complete.

You can get any (unlimited) number of reviews in this way. But in practice, there is no need to order more than 10 reviews, as this will already be an overkill!
