An online auction works on the same principle as a regular auction. Sellers display the goods, indicating its nominal value, as a rule, not very high; buyers, competing for the right to purchase the goods, offer their price for which they are ready to buy it. The winner of the auction is the one who offered the most money. Anyone can participate in the online auction.

Step 1
Register on the online auction site as a seller or a buyer. You can also register in both forms. Each registered user gets the opportunity to access his personal account and can use all the services provided: place lots for auctions, view offers for sale, carry out search queries, monitor the progress of auctions, take part in them, and raise your bids. If the auction is Russian, a ruble account will be opened for you, from which you will pay for purchases. Most foreign online auctions use the PayPal payment system for this.
Step 2
The name of the lot must correspond to the item that you are putting up for auction, indicate the quantity, price, give a short description. In it, list all the necessary parameters: name, year of manufacture, weight, size, degree of deterioration or condition. If the product has any features, please describe them as well. So that your product does not get lost among others, it is better to illustrate it with a photograph.
Step 3
The more payment methods you specify for your lot, the more people will want to purchase it. In addition to bank transfer, provide customers with the ability to pay through e-wallets, payment systems and terminals, postal orders or replenishment of your mobile phone account.
Step 4
Give additional information required for the bidding: the date of shipment of the goods, the method of delivery, etc. It is better to indicate several delivery options, taking into account how far from your region the buyer is located. By mail, the goods can be sent by regular parcel, registered mail or valuable parcel post. It can also be delivered by courier or express delivery.