If the future entrepreneur has skills in marketing, then you can open a business in this area and make good profits.

Let's figure out what you need to do to open your marketing company.
Find a market niche. The prospective businessman must understand what services are popular in the modern economy and find a potential client (through demographic research) who will constantly use the services of the future marketing company.
Draw up a business plan. In this plan, describe the future goals, services, prices, financial forecast for five years ahead and the advertising policy of the enterprise.
Advertising policy. At the beginning of the activity, you need to use social media in order to promote future services. They allow you to save money on advertising. Create an electronic page for a future marketing company, in which it is imperative to indicate all the services provided and the positive aspects (differences from competitors) of the future event. The website should be simple so that any potential client can quickly understand the design of the site.
Office space. Any marketing venture needs a place for an office to meet and sign contracts for the provision of services to clients. It should be located near the center of the settlement for the convenience of customers. The office should be equipped with modern computer equipment and have upholstered furniture for easy communication with consumers of services.
Range of services. Compile a range of services that will be in demand among the population. You can provide additional services in the form of advertising or PR campaigns.
Follow trends in the marketing services market. The marketing market is booming online and offline. In the first case, in 10 years there has been an infusion of large finances into this area. It is necessary to constantly monitor fashion trends and new products on the market. Attend various exhibitions, seminars, lectures and read additional literature.
Staff. The working staff must have high communication skills, appropriate education and have experience (preferably) in the marketing field. It is necessary to draw up job descriptions for each employee, which describe all the tasks and goals at the enterprise.
Creation of a franchise. Over time, a large network of marketing services can be built up. To do this, you need to create a recognizable brand and start selling a ready-made franchise.