Cement is not a natural material. The process of its production is quite expensive and laborious, but it is worth it: the output is one of the most popular building materials, used independently and as a component of other mixtures, for example, concrete.

Step 1
If you decide to start producing cement, then keep in mind that it is better to open a cement plant near the place of extraction of raw materials necessary for its manufacture. Cement production includes two stages: the first is the production of clinker, the second is to bring the clinker to a powdery state with the addition of gypsum or other components. It should be borne in mind that the most expensive is the first stage - it accounts for about 70% of the cost of cement.
Step 2
In the first stage, you will have to obtain raw materials. The development of limestone deposits required for the manufacture of cement is carried out by demolition, i.e. part of the rock is "removed", revealing a layer of yellowish-green limestone. After that, this material is sent along a conveyor for crushing pieces, drying, grinding and mixing it with other components. Then the resulting mixture is fired. This is how clinker is made.
Step 3
The second stage of cement production also consists of several stages. It includes crushing clinker, drying mineral additives, crushing gypsum, mixing clinker with gypsum and mineral additives. However, keep in mind that raw materials are not always the same, their physical properties (density, moisture, etc.) are different. In this regard, there is a different production method for each type of raw material. This allows you to achieve good grinding and complete mixing of the components.
Step 4
You can produce cement in one of three ways: wet, dry, and combination. The first method is used in the manufacture of cement from chalk, clay and iron-containing additives. This method is called wet because the mixing of the components occurs in an aqueous medium. At the exit, an aqueous suspension is obtained - sludge, which enters the kiln for firing. The clinker formed in the furnace, after cooling, is ground into powder - cement. With the dry method of production, all components are dried, and with the combined method, a combination of the two previous methods is used. Remember that for each production method there is a specific set of equipment and a sequence of operations, depending on the technology.