Most families have the same income every month. To effectively manage their budget, couples decide to plan and control expenses. This will reduce unnecessary spending and save money for large purchases.

Step 1
Agree with your spouse to record all expenses in as much detail as possible within one month. Many stores issue receipts detailing goods. Collect them and you can find out the costs of all products. Divide expenses into several categories: utility bills, buying food and household goods, paying for the phone, spending on entertainment, buying clothes, etc. If you have children, include the cost of toddler hygiene products, toys, class fees, etc.
Step 2
Highlight the costs you incur on a monthly basis. For example, you have to pay apartment bills, pay tolls and buy food every month, while buying household appliances is usually less frequent. Discuss spending. Perhaps you bought groceries in an overly expensive supermarket and decide to purchase them in a more budgetary store in the future.
Step 3
On the day you receive your paycheck, split the money into monthly payments in several envelopes and sign what these funds will be used for. The amount should be the same as you spent the previous month, or as agreed if you decide to cut costs. Before going to the store, you must take the money from the corresponding envelope. Make sure the funds are spent evenly throughout the month. Reduce costs as much as possible. Set aside 5-10% of the planned costs for unforeseen needs.
Step 4
Discuss how much you are willing to spend on other expenses. For example, agree that for the purchase of small household appliances, clothes, shoes, etc. you save 15,000 rubles every month. Where you will spend this money should be discussed at the beginning of the month. In March, you can buy a new handbag for your wife, and in April - boots for your husband.
Step 5
Allocate some pocket money. Analyze the usual expenses and try to include more expenses in the monthly mandatory payments. So you minimize the amount of pocket money and you will clearly understand what exactly the money is spent on.
Step 6
If you are planning large expenses: a vacation trip, renovation of an apartment or purchase of a car - discuss how much you would like to allocate monthly for these purposes, and put it aside on the day you receive your salary in a separate envelope.
Step 7
Nowadays, many workers receive money for payroll cards. The first few months of planning expenses, you should withdraw the entire amount at the beginning of the month and put it in envelopes. So you can check every day what you spent money on and what expenses should be reduced so as not to go beyond the family budget.