Many young families face problems with insufficient financial resources. Usually, such situations arise due to the inconsistency of the family budget, which should be planned every year. This can help avoid many misunderstandings and disagreements in the family.

Planning Basics
It is most convenient to calculate the family budget in the form of a table. Initially, you need to record the standard costs for each month. These costs include loan payments, utility bills, telephony and cable television services, car maintenance, various courses and sections for children, and others. Then you need to add to the table those payments that are single and occur once or twice a year. Such costs must be taken into account so that they do not become an unpleasant surprise in the future. These expenses are most often property taxes, insurance payments, preventive treatment or a visit to a sanatorium.
A special part of the family budget should be the contingency income column. In order not to spend extra money on restaurants and various kinds of entertainment, it is necessary to draw up a list of financial goals. If you have such a list in the future, you will not have to regret the money spent.
Splitting the budget
After calculating the total family income, you need to subtract from it the costs of each month, and then write this difference in front of the name of the month. You should get an amount that you can spend on life. Then the family budget should be divided into different categories - food, entertainment, car, household expenses and others. Such categories are individual for each family. It is necessary to jointly decide on which category what amount is allowed to spend. At the same time, do not forget about the means for the personal use of each family member. At this stage, the family budget is almost completely drawn up. The last item should be the reserve funds. They must be present in the family budget. A sudden illness, no bonus - there can always be some unforeseen event that requires additional funds. It is for such cases that reserve funds must be present.
There are other family budgeting options. For example, some spouses prefer not to put all the funds in the general cash register, but to keep the calculation of income and expenses separately. But in this case, it is likely that a lot of quarrels and reproaches will arise. Therefore, the best option would be to jointly manage the budget, divided equally among family members so that everyone is satisfied with the drawn up scheme.