What Is Conversion

What Is Conversion
What Is Conversion

The concept of conversion - from the Latin convercio - change, transformation - is well known to those who have found the times after the collapse of the Soviet Union. It was at this time that the conversion of military production began, when the country's economy, focused on the military and defense industry, began to switch to a peaceful track. The production of consumer goods began at military enterprises.

What is conversion
What is conversion

Positive aspects of military conversion for the economy

It is no secret that in the Soviet Union, industry was to a large extent focused on the production of military products and equipment. Very little attention was paid to the development of light industry, which gave rise to a shortage of consumer goods. After the famous Berlin Wall dividing East and West was literally destroyed, and the “Iron Curtain” was destroyed in a figurative sense, the economy of the Russian Federation was faced with the primary task of transforming and changing the structure of military production. The conversion of military production included, among other things, organizational, technical and technological, professional and economic transformations.

The enterprises of the military industry at that time were the most equipped in technological, material and instrumental terms, they employed highly qualified specialists. That is why it was assumed that the conversion would provide the country's population with modern goods and household appliances in the shortest possible time. At the same time, a big plus was the preservation of the material and technical base, human resources and jobs.

Indeed, the goods produced under the conversion programs quickly appeared on the shelves of Russian stores. These included irons and coffee grinders, vacuum cleaners, washing machines, VCRs, and even personal computers. There were also unique models of all-terrain vehicles and off-road vehicles, the prototypes of which were military vehicles.

We wanted the best

But, unfortunately, during the arms race, in which the main thing was the functionality and reliability of the produced military equipment, the designers did not take into account such things as ergonomics, design, and style. Those conversion products, goods and equipment that appeared in Russian stores could in no way compete with those that began to freely enter the market from abroad. Yes, imported goods and equipment were more expensive and, in some cases, less reliable, but they had a modern attractive design and were much more convenient to use.

As a result, the goods produced by conversion turned out to be uncompetitive, and the factories and enterprises operating under the conversion programs went bankrupt. The market economy did not allow the state to support these enterprises at its own expense, they were sold and completely redesigned, and the bulk of the workers were forced to look for new jobs and change their profession.