The ATM has swallowed and does not give back the plastic card for a variety of reasons. It is necessary not only to know them, but also to understand how to act if your card remains in the ATM after the transaction.

It is necessary
- - contact phone number of the bank serving you;
- - contact phone number of the organization that owns the ATM.
Step 1
If the card is seized by an ATM belonging to the issuing bank, then in order to return the card, you just need to contact the credit institution serving you. You will have to explain the current situation to a call center or technical support specialist, tell him the card number and your passport details, and then follow the recommendations received exactly.
Step 2
If your card remains in a device belonging to a “foreign” credit institution, you must call the hotline indicated on the ATM. Sometimes it is not possible to determine the organization servicing the ATM, then you should call your "own" bank, tell the address of the ATM where your card was left.
Step 3
After you have reported the withdrawal of your card, the ATM will be collected. The card is removed from the device and the reason for which it was blocked will be established for certain. In the event of a technical failure, the card will be sent to the nearest branch of your bank. After 5-7 days you will be able to pick it up, sometimes you have to write a corresponding statement for this.
Step 4
If the card is damaged, preventing its further work, the plastic will be made again. The employees of the bank serving you will explain in detail how to write an application for card reissue, and what documents must be provided.