A bank card is a convenient and safe way to store money. You can pay with it directly in stores, or you can withdraw money at any ATM. But it is when dealing with the latter that unexpected problems can arise.

Why do ATMs swallow cards?
The ATM may refuse to return the card for a variety of reasons. You may have typed the wrong PIN several times in a row. Perhaps there was some kind of serious technical failure in the operation of the device. The card could be blocked by the bank that issued it. She could have received mechanical or electromagnetic damage, or simply turned out to be expired. If the ATM has delayed the card for one of these reasons, it must display the phrase “Card is delayed” and print out a receipt indicating the code of the card holding.
What to do?
First of all, after the ATM attempts to withdraw the card, you need to try to cancel this operation by clicking the "Cancel" button. If the card was mistakenly detained by an ATM, it will return it within two to five minutes. If the ATM has not returned the card, you need to contact the service center of the institution that serves this particular device.
Be sure to keep the receipt issued by the ATM after the card is detained. At the very least, you will have on hand information about the reasons for the blocking, which will be deciphered by your bank.
The number of this organization is usually indicated on the ATM. During the call, you need to inform the operator that your card was detained by an ATM, dictate its number and your passport data, clarify when and how you can get the card back. Do not forget to clarify what additional documents you need for this. For example, if the ATM and your card are from different banks, you may need a letter of guarantee from the bank that issued the card.
If it is impossible to find the contact information of the service organization at the ATM, call your bank and explain the situation. Be sure to indicate the location of the ATM. In any case, you must call your bank to block the card.
Enter in the memory of your mobile phone the number of the customer support department of your bank. This will save both nerves and time in a critical situation.
How to get your money later?
After the card is returned by your or a third-party bank, it must be unblocked. To do this, you need to write a standard application at your bank. Keep in mind that it takes several weeks for a card to be returned, so in some cases it is easier to apply for a card reissue to your old bank account. This procedure takes on average a week. Most likely you will have to pay some amount to unlock, lock or re-release.