Inspectorate Of The Federal Tax Service Of Russia No. 21 For Moscow

Inspectorate Of The Federal Tax Service Of Russia No. 21 For Moscow
Inspectorate Of The Federal Tax Service Of Russia No. 21 For Moscow

IFTS of Russia No. 21 in Moscow serves the territory of the following districts (municipalities): Vykhino-Zhulebino, Ryazansky, Nekrasovka, Nizhegorodsky, Lyublino, Kuzminki, Tekstilshchiki.

Inspectorate of the Federal Tax Service of Russia No. 21 for Moscow
Inspectorate of the Federal Tax Service of Russia No. 21 for Moscow

Basic information

Inspectorate of the Federal Tax Service No. 21 for Moscow (inspection code - 7721).

109444, Moscow, st. Fergana, house 6, building 2.

Reception phone: +7 (495) 400-00-21; reception fax: +7 (495) 400-19-92; contact center: 8-800-222-22-22; Hot line telephone: +7 (495) 400-19-87 (on the issues of calculating and paying transport tax and property tax for individuals), +7 (495) 400-19-96 (on declaring income, providing property and social deduction for individuals), +7 (495) 400-19-83 (information telephone on the new procedure for the application of CCP), +7 (495) 400-19-78 ("hotline" on corruption in the inspection).

inspection code: 7721, Title: Inspectorate of the Federal Tax Service No. 21 for Moscow, TIN 7721049904, KPP 772101001, ADDRESS: 109444, Moscow, st. Fergana, 6, building 2.

Driving directions


The nearest metro stations are Ryazansky Prospekt, Vykhino, Lermontovsky Prospekt, Zhulebino, Kuzminki.

The structure of the Inspectorate of the Federal Tax Service of Russia No. 21 in Moscow

The Tax Inspectorate consists of 25 structural divisions (departments), the functions of which include the following tasks:

  • Department of general and economic support: work with incoming and outgoing documentation, maintaining an archive, ensuring the transfer of cases during the migration of taxpayers.
  • Personnel department: receptions, transfers, dismissals, assistance in adaptation in the civil service, work with personal files, keeping work books, work with the Employment Center, formation of pension files for employees of the inspection.
  • Department of registration and accounting of taxpayers: issues of registration and removal of taxpayers from tax and registration accounting, issuance of extracts from the Unified State Register of Legal Entities, EGRIP.
  • Department of work with taxpayers: issues of reconciliation of payments (drawing up certificates, acts of reconciliation of settlements with the budget of individuals and legal entities), issuance of certificates of absence of arrears.
  • Department of Information Technology: information and software support for the activities of the inspection.
  • Data processing department: input and processing of declarations and payment orders.
  • Analytical department: analytical work - analysis and forecasting of tax revenues, the formation of statistical reports.
  • Debt settlement department: conducting offsets / refunds of claims, collection orders, unblocking accounts for arrears, issuing tax claims, issues of suspension of account transactions.
  • Department of field inspections No. 1, No. 2, No. 3, No. 4: conducting field tax audits in relation to taxpayers: legal entities and individual entrepreneurs within the framework of Article 89 of the Tax Code of the Russian Federation.
  • Office of desk audits # 1: currency control, trade tax (paid by legal entities), blocking of accounts for non-submission of tax returns.
  • Office of desk audits No. 2: desk tax audits on corporate income tax, transport tax, land tax, property tax, under the simplified taxation system (in relation to legal entities).
  • Office of cameral audits No. 3: cameral tax audits for VAT.
  • Office of desk audits No. 4: desk control in terms of submission of tax reports: form No. 3 of personal income tax, patent taxation, trade tax, simplified taxation system (in relation to individual entrepreneurs).
  • Department of desk audits No. 5: property tax, transport tax, issues of granting benefits to individuals.
  • Department of pre-verification analysis: analysis of primary accounting documentation and tax reporting in order to form a list of taxpayers for their transfer to field tax control.
  • Operational control department: checking compliance with the legislation on cash registers; registration and deregistration of KKM, as well as replacement of EKZL.
  • Pre-trial audit department: consideration of objections and complaints of taxpayers at the pre-trial stage of the dispute.
  • Document claim department: document retrieval within the framework of counter checks, as well as at the request of nonresident inspections.
  • Bankruptcy Proceedings Department: filing bankruptcy of business entities and individuals, inclusion in the register of creditors' claims the amount of debt on taxes and fees.
  • Security department: ensuring the safety of the activities of the inspection and its employees, forming access to state secrets, booking citizens, ensuring the protection of the inspection's property.
  • Office of desk audits No. 6: office measures for the payment of insurance premiums and reporting in accordance with Form No. 6 of personal income tax.
  • Control and analytical: assessment and analysis of the effectiveness and efficiency of the tax control measures carried out in relation to participants in tax evasion schemes.

Goals and objectives of the inspection

Inspectorate of the Federal Tax Service of Russia No. 21 for Moscow is a federal executive body exercising the functions of control and supervision over compliance with the legislation on taxes and fees, over the correct calculation, completeness and timeliness of entering taxes and fees into the relevant budget, in cases stipulated by the legislation of the Russian Federation, for the correctness of the calculation, completeness and timeliness of making other obligatory payments to the corresponding budget, for the production and circulation of tobacco products, as well as the functions of the currency control body within the competence of the tax authorities.


In the inspection, you can solve the following problematic or atypical tax issues:

  • Internet service "Personal account of a taxpayer for individuals": opportunities, advantages, connection procedure.
  • Income tax: form, deadlines for submitting reports, errors in filling out the declaration, deadlines for payment of tax.
  • The procedure for confirming the fact of payment of VAT when importing goods from the territory of the EAEU.
  • The procedure for filling out notifications of registration (making changes in the indicators of the object of trade, termination of the object of taxation) of an organization or an individual entrepreneur as a payer of a trade tax.
  • The procedure for filling in the p / p fields for transferring payments to the budget and specifying the details for paying taxes in them: errors made by taxpayers when filling out the fields of payment orders; Internet service "Fill in a payment order".
  • Tax deductions: the procedure for providing a deduction, forms, errors in filling out a tax return, documents confirming the right to receive a deduction, etc.
  • Advantages of receiving state services of the Federal Tax Service of Russia in electronic form, including using the portal of state services.

These and many other "tax" issues will be considered at seminars with taxpayers, the schedule of which can be found on the official website of the inspectorate in the section of the site: "Other mandatory information".
