How To Get Tax Deduction For Retirees

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How To Get Tax Deduction For Retirees
How To Get Tax Deduction For Retirees

Video: How To Get Tax Deduction For Retirees

Video: How To Get Tax Deduction For Retirees
Video: Income Taxes: 2021 Tax Rates for Retirees 2024, October

The Tax Code states that every taxpayer has the right to use tax incentives if there are grounds for this established by law. In some cases, part of the taxes paid can be refunded from the aggregate tax base. All income is taxed, this also applies to people who are already on retirement benefits, but special tax benefits are provided for them by the state.

How to get tax deduction for retirees
How to get tax deduction for retirees

It is necessary

Visiting the tax office and providing the necessary documents


Step 1

Pensioners are entitled to special preferential deductions. Every month the tax deduction is 3 thousand rubles, of which 13% can be returned by contacting the tax office.

Step 2

In addition, a pensioner can receive a tax deduction for treatment, which is exactly the same amount spent in the total amount of money for his treatment or his spouse. This includes both the purchase of drugs and health insurance premiums. But this amount cannot exceed 50 thousand rubles in one period. And it doesn't matter whether medical care was provided in a state institution, or in a private one, the main thing is the availability of a license.

Step 3

To receive a preferential deduction, a pensioner must contact the tax office at the place of residence, having in hand an application for a deduction and documents that confirm the costs of treatment.

Step 4

Once in a lifetime, a person can take advantage of the tax deduction for the purchase or construction of housing, and if, having lived up to retirement age, there was no such opportunity before, then this can be done now.

Step 5

The refund is 13% of the deduction amount, but not more than 130 thousand rubles. If the housing costs less than 1 million rubles, then the cost of repairs and brokerage services can be added to the deduction. If in the current tax period the deduction has not been used in full, then its remainder can be carried over to the next tax period until it is completely used up.

Step 6

During the conclusion of a transaction for the sale and purchase of residential real estate, its registration takes place, as well as the consolidation of ownership of housing by issuing a certificate of ownership.

Step 7

To receive a tax deduction, a pensioner must submit to the tax office a contract for the purchase of housing, or a share in a house or apartment, as well as an act on the transfer of housing to the buyer or other documents that can confirm ownership. But you can submit documents only after the expiration of the current tax period.
