How To Repay A Loan To The Founder

How To Repay A Loan To The Founder
How To Repay A Loan To The Founder

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During the implementation of financial activities, the heads of companies may face such a seemingly hopeless situation, such as threatening bankruptcy. Naturally, the founders, whenever possible, try to stabilize the financial condition, for this they provide the organization with a loan. The organization must return this amount to the lender within the terms established by the contract.

How to repay a loan to the founder
How to repay a loan to the founder


Step 1

First of all, you must read the loan agreement carefully. If it has a payment schedule, you must adhere strictly to the deadline. If the contract does not set a deadline, at the first request of the lender, you are obliged to return the borrowed funds within a month.

Step 2

If the loan was provided in foreign currency, in accordance with Article 317 of the Civil Code of the Russian Federation, the funds must be paid to the founder in rubles, the amount of which must be equivalent to the amount in foreign currency.

Step 3

If the loan is short-term, that is, concluded for a period of less than 12 months, you will have to reflect it on account 66 "Settlements for short-term loans"; if more than 12 months - on account 67 "Settlements for long-term loans".

Step 4

In accounting, the above operations should be reflected as follows: - D51 or 50 K66 or 67 - a loan was received from the founder; - D68 subaccount "Income tax" K77 - deferred tax liabilities arising from a different method of calculating interest are reflected; - D91 K66 or 67– the accrual of interest on the loan received is reflected; - D66 or 67 K68 subaccount "personal income tax" - the amount of personal income tax was withheld from the founder's income; - D68 subaccount "personal income tax" K51 - the amount of personal income tax was transferred to the federal budget; - D66 or 67 K51 or 50 - the amount of the loan was returned the founder of the company; - D77 K68 subaccount "Income tax" - the repayment of the tax liability is reflected.

Step 5

In the event that the loan is provided in foreign currency, refer the arising amount differences to operating expenses. In accounting, reflect this operation using the following correspondence of accounts: - D91 K66 - the amount difference arising from the loan provided is reflected.

Step 6

If the founder has forgiven the amount of the company's loan, the debt should be attributed to the organization's non-operating income.
