Attraction of debt capital always leads to the need to assess and calculate the effectiveness of the chosen method of financing. A high proportion of debt affects the decrease in the financial stability and solvency of the organization, but if this debt was formed as a result of the relationship between the supplier and the contractor, then this allows the organization to use the money while there are debts without paying interest. It is much more profitable than applying for a loan at a bank.

It is necessary
- - budgeting;
- - analysis.
Step 1
Many different factors affect the value of the assets and liabilities of the enterprise. The direct impact on accounts payable is exerted by: change in profit and sales proceeds; changes in prices for products, services and materials; changes in settlements with debtors.
Effective management of the company's accounts payable is possible only if a system of coefficients is developed that characterize the assessment of relations with the company's creditors, as well as budgeting. Debt can be optimized by analyzing the correspondence of actual indicators and analyzing the reasons for the deviations that have arisen.
Step 2
You should also develop a set of measures to bring accounts payable in line with the plan. The coefficient of dependence of the organization on accounts payable is calculated as the ratio of the total amount of borrowed funds to the amount of assets of the enterprise and shows how the organization's assets are formed at the expense of accounts payable.
Step 3
The balance of debt is determined as the ratio of the amount of accounts payable to accounts receivable, and is compiled taking into account the terms of both types of debts. The desired level of correlation depends on the strategy of the enterprise, which can be moderate, aggressive or conservative.
Step 4
The calculation of accounts payable is carried out taking into account data on overdue debt. It is necessary to clarify with the debtors how and when they plan to pay off debts. Check whether the composition of suppliers and the terms of settlements have changed, which usually lead to a slowdown or acceleration of the turnover of accounts payable.
Step 5
Clarify whether there is any overdue debt to extrabudgetary and budgetary funds. Taken together, these data will show the complete picture of the accounts payable of the enterprise. In addition, it is advisable to check the state of the enterprise's stocks for the presence of a shortage or surplus of stocks in comparison with the required demand and eliminate them in the planning period.
Step 6
The company is obliged to pay off accounts payable, regardless of whether it receives money from its debtors on time. The analysis should be carried out by buyers and suppliers separately, and it is also necessary to separate the debt that appeared in the last month and the debt that has not been moving for half a year.
Step 7
You need to take settlements with buyers and see what amount of the total debt has not been repaid within 6 months, in addition, they may have been shipping manufactured products recently. All this should be taken into account. A review of the data will indicate that for such enterprises it is necessary to draw up reconciliation statements and offsetting statements.