Today, competition in the bank lending market is quite strong, so it is quite easy to get access to credit money. The maximally simplified procedure for obtaining a loan involves filling out an application in a short time and upon providing a minimum package of documents.

Easy ways to get a loan
The easiest way is to get a loan for a small amount - up to 100-300 thousand rubles. Most banks have a rule: the smaller the loan, the more loyal requirements are imposed on the borrower. Such loans can be issued upon presentation of only two documents - a passport and a second one of the borrower's choice. The time for obtaining a loan is also reduced as much as possible and is often limited to 15-30 minutes. The fact is that borrowers with such lending are assessed on the basis of data from an automatic scoring program, and the bank does not conduct a comprehensive check of it.
Similar conditions are offered for POS lending or loans for the purchase of equipment (or other goods) directly in the store. Purchase decisions are often made spontaneously, so borrowers rarely have any documents to prove their income with them.
Please note that fast and profitable loan processing is an incompatible concept. The easier the bank provides a loan, the higher its risks. Accordingly, such loans have higher interest rates. The only exception to this rule is applying for a loan at a bank whose salary client you are. Such clients are financially transparent for banks and they can approve significant sums for them upon presentation of one passport.
If the loan amount is above 300-500 thousand rubles, you should be prepared for the fact that you will need to provide additional documents confirming income and work experience. Guarantors and collateral are often required.
You can simplify the procedure for obtaining a loan and choosing the optimal banking program by contacting credit brokers. They will assist in issuing a loan and help to collect and execute all documents. But for their services you will have to pay a set commission (on average 3-5%).
Which banks are the easiest to apply for a loan?
There are several banks in which the procedure for obtaining loans is as simple as possible. So, in Bank Renaissance Credit you can get an amount of up to 500 thousand rubles. for up to three years. The interest rate varies in a wide range - from 15.9 to 69.9%. The application is considered on the day of application. The borrower only needs a passport and a second document to choose from (passport, TIN, license, education diploma). The bank's requirements include age from 24 to 65 years, the presence of registration in the region of obtaining a loan, the minimum income for Muscovites - from 10 thousand rubles. and for residents of the regions - from 6 thousand rubles.
Under the credit program of OTP Bank "OTP Express", you can draw up a small amount of up to 75 thousand rubles. But the decision to issue a loan is made as quickly as possible, within 15 minutes. The rate is determined on an individual basis and ranges from 23.9 to 39.9%. In addition to the passport and the second additional document, you must provide information on the employer. If you need to receive a larger amount (up to 500 thousand rubles), then the application is considered in a longer time frame and requires confirmation with documents confirming income.
At Citibank, you can apply for a loan in the amount of up to 1 million rubles in one day. with a rate from 16% to 26%. But when applying for a loan in the amount of over 450 thousand rubles. it is obligatory to provide a 2-NDFL certificate. The loan is provided to borrowers aged 22 to 60 years with a minimum average monthly income of 30 thousand rubles.
At Home Credit Bank, you can get a loan in one hour, within the framework of the "Fast Money" program, a client can receive up to 30 thousand rubles. at a rate of 46.9%. Requirements for borrowers: age - 23-64; Russian citizenship; registration in the region of obtaining a loan; the presence of a landline phone.