What Documents Are Needed To Apply For A Loan

What Documents Are Needed To Apply For A Loan
What Documents Are Needed To Apply For A Loan

Many citizens use the opportunity to use borrowed funds borrowed from a bank. Consumer loans have become popular, allowing you to purchase expensive household appliances or furniture and start using it immediately, paying small monthly amounts for some time. Loans provide an opportunity to make more expensive purchases, for example, to buy a car or an apartment.

What documents are needed to apply for a loan
What documents are needed to apply for a loan

Mandatory documents that the bank will require when applying for any loan

Naturally, the bank does not issue loans out of altruism - this is one of the main income items of credit organizations, so the bank needs guarantees of repayment not only of the principal amount, but also of interest on it. Each bank determines the package of documents confirming your solvency independently, taking into account its own risks when issuing a particular amount. The composition of the required documents mainly depends on the type of lending.

Those documents that will be required from you without fail include a passport or other document that unambiguously confirms your identity. For insurance, as a rule, in addition to your passport, you may be required to have two more documents to choose from: military ID, passport, insurance certificate of the pension fund, driver's license. But this is the required minimum, at which you can only apply for a small consumer loan in the store. When the amount exceeds 50-100 thousand, the package of necessary documents can be expanded.

In the event that a loan is issued secured by property, you will need to present a certificate of ownership of the mortgaged property. As a rule, the bank makes the assessment of the cost itself.

Documents required to obtain a large bank loan

When you want to receive a large amount in cash, the bank has the right to demand from you:

- an application for a loan and a plastic card, which is written according to the sample;

- original and copy of a civil passport;

- original and copy of the driver's license;

- a certificate of salary for the last 3 months, issued no later than 30 days before presentation;

- a certificate from the last place of work or a copy of the work book;

- a pension certificate if you are a pensioner.

You may not need a certificate of absence of debt from other banks - the borrowing bank can independently request your credit history.

When you want to get a mortgage from the bank, the requirements will be tougher. To confirm your identity, you will need photocopies of all pages of your passport, a certificate from the place of work in the form of 2-NDFL, issued no later than one month in advance. A copy of the work book will need to be certified with the employer's stamp. You will also need to present a marriage certificate if you are a member, or a divorce certificate if you were once married or married, as well as documents for children if you have children under the age of 18. Some banks will also ask to show a driver's license or, when they are not available, the original certificate of absence of diseases from a psycho-neural dispensary. Be prepared to also present a diploma, a certificate of education or documents for a car, a certificate of ownership of real estate.
