In 2018, working citizens can count on the traditional indexation of the size of sick leave.

The change in the size of sick leave, which is due from the employer to employed citizens, will increase in 2018. This is due to the change in the billing period: now the calculations will take into account 2017-2016, and not 2015-2016.
When calculating sick leave, you need to focus on the maximum annual earnings from which the employer pays contributions to the Social Insurance Fund. In 2017, it is 755 thousand rubles, and in 2016 - 715 thousand rubles. After the employee's earnings exceed the specified limit, contributions are not charged and this does not affect the increase in the size of the sick leave.
The maximum sick leave for 2018 is calculated as follows: (755,000 + 715,000) / 24 months. The limit value of daily earnings for their calculation is set in the amount of 2017, 8 rubles. If the average daily income is higher, it does not appear in subsequent calculations.
The maximum monthly sick leave in 2018 will be 61,375 rubles. This means, no matter how much the employee receives, if he falls ill, he will receive sick leave compensation taking into account the designated limit. Compared to 2017, in 2018, sick leave for high-paid staff will increase by 3,542 rubles.
Who can count on the maximum sick leave rate? In order to get the maximum sick leave, you must have an earnings in 2017 of about 63,000 rubles. monthly, and in 2016 - 60,000 rubles. This must be the official salary under an employment contract with which the employer pays contributions to the Social Insurance Fund in good faith.
The employee's experience is also taken into account: in order to receive compensation in 100%, the employee must have at least 8 years of experience. If he has worked for more than five years, then the coefficient is 0.8, if less - 0.6.