Writing articles can really turn from a favorite hobby to a well-paid job. For this you need nothing at all - desire. The author of articles can have any education, the main thing is to be able to analyze information well, master spelling and grammar. Registration as an author of articles of texts is offered by the ETXT content exchange, where thousands of orders appear every day on a wide variety of topics.

How to become an author of articles if you have no experience at all
Becoming an author of articles is much easier than it might initially seem. The main requirements for a novice author are minimal - good vocabulary and literacy, the rest will come with experience. Working as an author of articles on the content exchange brings not only pleasure, but also money. To try yourself in writing, a beginner needs:
- Register on the ETXT exchange. Article writing assignments are available only to authorized users. When registering, a newbie is asked to come up with a username, password, e-mail address, and, if desired, a phone number where system messages will also be sent.
- Link a wallet of one of the payment systems to your account, where the earned funds will be paid. The most popular among users are the QIWI system, Yandex Money and WebMoney.
- Take a literacy test. Answering 10 simple questions for those who want to become an author of works will not be difficult. The passed test will reduce the limits on the maximum order value for a beginner, open up new horizons in finding clients.
- Download anti-plagiarism. The rewriter, like the authors of scientific articles, must write only unique content, otherwise the customer will not be able to place it on his website. You can check the text for uniqueness online or through a downloaded program.
- Find an interesting order. Thousands of new orders appear on the exchange every day. By installing a search filter, the author will be able to find a job that matches a given topic, minimum price, number of characters, and other formalities. To take an order for work, you need to submit an application and wait for the client to approve it.
- Hand over the completed work. Those who are the author of articles on the exchange are offered to submit the work through a special form in the order or upload a Word document.
Ample opportunities
On the stock exchange, you can not only complete tasks that have been assigned, but also become the author of a poem, selling it through your own article store. In addition, beginners have the opportunity to become a journal author for any network resource or blog, receiving a fixed fee for this daily or monthly, depending on the number of work performed.