What To Do When There Is Not Enough Money At Sea

What To Do When There Is Not Enough Money At Sea
What To Do When There Is Not Enough Money At Sea

You can take money for a vacation through part-time work, installments in travel agencies. The easiest way is to ask your employer for an upfront payment. Lending services are also popular. You can use them at a bank or microfinance organizations.

What to do if there is not enough money at sea
What to do if there is not enough money at sea

If you want to go on a seaside vacation, it is worthwhile to decide the financial issue in advance. Unfortunately, accumulating your own funds is not always possible. You can open a deposit, use special "Piggy Banks" tied to electronic wallets or cards. But in a situation of constantly changing prices, it may turn out that there is not enough money even for the voucher itself, especially in summer. There are several ways to find money for a vacation with a child, husband or company.

Bank loan

Many financial institutions offer to get the right amount through consumer lending. In this case, you will not need to report on where the finances were spent. You can pay for a flight, a ticket, or use them to make purchases.

The loan can be taken in cash or on a card. The first option assumes lower interest rates. Credit card allows you to:

  • pay off debt without interest, but within a grace period;
  • open a renewable line;
  • make an exchange for currency upon arrival in another country.

The use of a renewable line is convenient if you are planning a long vacation. In this case, as payments are made, you will be given access to new amounts. But remember that for withdrawing cash from a credit card, as well as making an exchange for currency, an additional commission may be taken.

Installment travel agency for vacation

Today many travel companies offer this service. In this case, attention should be paid to several components. If a bank representative is present when issuing an installment plan, you need to carefully read the agreement. In this case, there is a high probability that we are talking about lending disguised as "installments". Taking your child to the sea will not always be beneficial in such a situation.

Another option is to work directly with the agency. In this case, you will indeed be able to return the full cost of the voucher without interest. But this may require additional health and life insurance. The disadvantages of the installment plan include a short period for which you will need to return the entire amount. Usually about 2-3 months.

Microfinance services

Unlike a bank, it does not need to provide a certificate of income, and the required amount can be issued quite quickly, on the day of application. Sometimes, to sign a contract, it is enough to bring only a passport, or you can take funds that will be enough for animation for your child.

Credit organizations can issue amounts up to 4 times your income. But the rates for such offers are very high - they can be higher than 50% per annum. Please note that preferential terms are not provided, but the microfinance organization does not check your credit history.

Is it possible to do without loans and installments?

If you are not looking for easy ways, you can go other ways. Contact your friends, they may be able to borrow the missing amount. Remember: today many people keep their savings in banks. It is unprofitable to remove them, because in any case a certain amount of money will be lost. You can increase the chances of a positive decision if you offer to return the amount with interest. Be sure to draw up a receipt for receiving money. This will allow you to fly on vacation to Turkey or other countries with a good psychological mood, not to spoil relations and avoid unnecessary stress.

Another way is to earn extra money. This option is ideal for those who have a little free time and have planned travel times in advance. The part-time job can be different, it depends on your skills and abilities. For many, freelancing (remote work) is an excellent solution. You can also ask your immediate supervisor for additional tasks to complete.

In conclusion, we note that there are other ways to take vacation money from additional sources. Experts recommend that you first contact the accountants in the company where you work. They can be asked for an advance payment of half the next salary. If your request is denied, you can try other options.
