The size of pensions is increasing every year. As a rule, the amount of the increase depends on the inflation of the previous year. Since January 1, 2018, there has already been an increase in the pension for people who receive it due to old age and with the necessary length of service. What other changes in these payments will happen in 2018?

At the beginning of the year, all non-working pensioners with seniority received a supplement of 3.7% of the insurance part of their pension. This amount was different for everyone, but on average it turned out to be about 500-600 rubles. This population group should not expect a bonus this year. And a lump sum payment, like last year, may not happen either.
Payments to former military personnel have also been indexed since January 1, 2018. But for this category of citizens of the Russian Federation, another additional payment is being prepared. It will start on February 1 and will amount to 2,500 rubles. In addition to military personnel, former employees of the internal affairs bodies, the Federal Penitentiary Service, and the fire service will apply for this increase in pension. This surcharge has already been included in the budget for the next year and will be fully implemented.
The next increase this year will already affect citizens who receive social pensions. These include people with disabilities, children receiving benefits for the loss of a breadwinner, people with little work experience and small peoples of the Far North. From April 1, this group of the population of our country will increase pensions by 4.1%.
In principle, the state has taken care of raising pensions for almost all people who can count on it in 2018. Only a part of working pensioners remained. According to statistics, their number is constantly increasing. If you raise their pensions, it will greatly affect the country's budget. Therefore, a couple of years ago, a law was passed limiting the indexation of payments to working pensioners until 2020. However, there is a possibility that in August there will still be small changes in the monthly allowance for this group of citizens. At the same time, if a pensioner quits his job, then the pension is recalculated and its increase follows.