Irregular working hours or overworked hours lead to a change in the amount of wages. And this affects not only the hourly wages, but also the set monthly wages. You can calculate the salary, knowing the number of hours worked per month and the salary set by the employer, excluding bonuses and taxes.

Step 1
Divide the amount of wages by the number of working hours in a month (excluding part-time work).
For example: in January there are 160 working hours, and the set salary is 19,000 rubles per month.
You need to divide 19,000 rubles by 160 hours. It turns out the amount of wages per hour of working time is 118.75 rubles.
Step 2
The number of hours actually worked multiplied by the amount per hour.
For example: 260 hours worked in a month.
You need 260 hours to multiply by 118.75 rubles. It turns out 30875 excluding taxes and bonuses.
Step 3
Add premiums. Usually the bonus is paid as a percentage of wages or a fixed amount.
Let's say you are paid a bonus of 25% of your salary.
Add 25% to 30,875 rubles. It turns out 7718, 75 rubles of the premium. The bonus is added to the salary. Total 38,593, 75 rubles.
Step 4
The amount of taxes is deducted from the amount of wages (tax in different cases is a certain percentage). The award is also subject to tax deductions.
For example: tax amount is 13%
Subtract 13% from 38593.75 rubles. It turns out a salary minus taxes 33576, 563 rubles.