What Is Planning Department

What Is Planning Department
What Is Planning Department

For market relations that have arisen not so long ago, a completely new strategy in relation to the future development of enterprises has become distinctive. This strategy is based on the principle of creating such an economic development plan that would allow organizing the rational production of products or services at the lowest cost. It is this work that the planning department is engaged in together with other structures of the enterprise.

Working day
Working day

Long-term development plan

At its core, an enterprise plan consists of a whole complex of interrelated actions that are aimed at increasing profits. This goal is achieved by increasing the efficiency of all production processes and the successful sale of manufactured products.

Planning department structure

The planning department includes the entire spectrum of specialists who directly help carry out the planning functions. Each enterprise organizes the work of its planning department based on the specifics of its own production. For the work of the planning department to be most productive, it must be in constant informational communication with other divisions of the enterprise. The closest cooperation in practice happens with accounting, budgeting specialists, production department, sales, marketing, logistics, labor organization and wages departments. The staff must necessarily include:

- Head of the Planning and Economic Department;

- deputy;

- economist for pricing;

- specialized economists.

The quantitative composition of the planning department is stipulated by the staffing table of the enterprise and directly depends on the scale of production. And the staff of small firms may not have a planning department. In this case, his duties are performed either by the marketing department or directly by the management.


The direct functions of the planning department include:

- preparation of initial data and working materials in all sectors and services of the enterprise involved in the planning process;

- organization of the work process for drawing up a specific type of plan, approved by the directorate;

- miscalculation and making forecasts of technical and economic indicators for the most important sectors of activity;

- product pricing and cost analysis;

- development of the structure of the plan necessary for successful activities and sending them to the management team for approval;

- work on regulatory planning documentation (various types of plans) and its approval for all divisions of the enterprise;

- Implementation of operational control over the progress of the planned indicators as a whole for the enterprise and its divisions;

- organization of economic analysis of financial activities;

- maintaining statistical reporting with reference to economic indicators;

- Formation of economic and pricing policy in accordance with the established regulatory documents;

- Implementation of methodological guidance of the personnel of the divisions of the enterprise on planning and economic analysis.
