According to Art. 260 of the Tax Code of the Russian Federation, repair costs are classified as other costs. Correct accounting of repair costs is important not only to improve the efficiency of economic analysis, but also to improve the efficiency of the repair service. This affects the improvement of the operation of the equipment of the enterprise. Therefore, the task of accounting for repair costs is one of the most important.

Step 1
First, decide by what forces - attracted or your own - you will make repairs. Find out the cost of materials and work, approve plans and estimates for the repair.
Step 2
Perform repair work in accordance with the approved schedules, estimates, plans. This is the first and prerequisite for accounting for repair costs, since in the accounting you reflect only the actual operations with their correct documentary registration.
Step 3
Write off materials for repair: Dt 23 - Kt 10. Write off on the basis of primary accounting data: invoices for the internal movement of materials and equipment, requirements for obtaining materials and consumption rates. The amount of the wages of employees of the enterprise should be attributed to the costs of auxiliary production. Posting: Dt 23 - Kt 70. Posting debit 23 - Kt 69 - reflect the accrual of social contributions to the amount of wages of workers in auxiliary production.
Step 4
Assign the cost of repairs performed by workers in auxiliary production to the cost price: Dt 23 - Kt 23.
Step 5
When performing repairs with the involvement of contractors, write off the repair costs: Dt 20 - Kt 60. If the contractor is a VAT payer, then record VAT on the cost of repair work: Dt 19 - Kt 60. Pay for the services of the contractor: Dt 60 - CT 51. Consider in the amount of the tax credit VAT paid to the contractor: Дт 68 subaccount "Value added tax" - CT 19
Step 6
Provided that a reserve repair fund is created at the beginning of the year - posting: Дт 96 - Кт 20 (23, 25. 44 …), do the following. Write off the amount of repair costs at the expense of the repair fund: Dt 96 (Repair fund) - Kt 23 (69, 70, 76). At the end of the year, if there are funds left on the "Repair Fund" subaccount, then they must be debited from account 96 credit to the debit of accounts 20 (23, 25, 44 …).