How To Pay Salaries In 1C Through A Bank On Payment Orders

How To Pay Salaries In 1C Through A Bank On Payment Orders
How To Pay Salaries In 1C Through A Bank On Payment Orders

Now almost every organization pays salaries to employees through the bank to the card. Convenient, simple, modern. But at the same time, accounting employees often face difficulties when creating payment orders in the 1C program.

How to pay salaries in 1C through a bank on payment orders
How to pay salaries in 1C through a bank on payment orders

A payment order is a settlement document that reflects a written order of the account holder to the bank serving him, about the transfer of a certain amount of money to the account of the recipient of funds, opened with this or another bank.

You can pay salaries through a bank according to a salary project. Salary project - an agreement with the bank, according to which the bank assumes the responsibility for opening a personal account for each employee of the organization.

Salaries, as a rule, are charged 2 times a month, which means that the bank is obliged to transfer money to a special salary account as well. A statement is attached to the payment order indicating the personal accounts of employees and the amounts to be paid. Further, the bank, using this statement, distributes funds to the personal accounts of employees.

The process of creating a salary project

  1. Go to the section "Salary and personnel" in the item "Salary projects";
  2. We create directly the "Salary project" for the bank;
  3. We enter the personal accounts of employees in order to form a statement for the bank, opposite which there will be the employee's full name and his personal account;
  4. If we have a large number of employees, we will use the "Enter personal accounts" processing;
  5. We go to the section "Salary and personnel" item "Employees";
  6. Open the employee's card and go to the section "Payments and cost accounting";
  7. We select a salary project and enter the personal account number from the bank. And so with all employees;
  8. We calculate wages in the section "Salary and personnel" item "All accruals". We carry out;
  9. Next comes the payment of wages in the section "Salary and personnel" in the item "Vedomosti to the bank";
  10. We create a new document, where we indicate the salary project and select employees. We carry out and print a statement for the bank;

Formation of a payment order based on the statement

  1. In the order, in the total amount, we transfer the salary to the salary account of the bank where the salary project is open, attaching the statement that was created earlier;
  2. We upload the register to the bank in the form of a file: "Salary and personnel" item "Salary projects";
  3. We put the mark "Use the exchange of electronic documents";
  4. Go back to "Salary and personnel" and see that 2 new items have appeared: "Exchange with banks" and "Salary".

Possibilities of unloading to the bank

  • Salary crediting;
  • Opening of personal accounts;
  • Closing personal accounts.

Payroll enrollment allows you to upload the statement to a file, which is then sent by an arbitrary letter through the client-bank. To do this, select the list we need and press the "Upload file" button. When the confirmation file comes from the bank, go into processing and load the file through the button "Download Confirmations". Where further bank confirmations are tracked.
