An alliance is a community or association of several organizations, enterprises, the interaction of which is based on mutually beneficial cooperation and obligations, supported by an agreement. If the cooperation is not satisfactory or its contractual terms are not respected, the contract can be terminated and the community is disbanded.

It is necessary
- - notification;
- - protocol;
- - application to the tax office;
- - application to the court.
Step 1
When combining several organizations, partners are obliged to comply with all the conditions that are specified in the agreement concluded when creating the alliance. Any violation of obligations leads to the fact that cooperation ceases to be mutually beneficial, therefore, it cannot suit business partners. Such relations lead to the nullity of the concluded contract.
Step 2
To dissolve the alliance, gather all business partners. Notify everyone in writing about the convening of an extraordinary meeting of the alliance by sending an e-mail or using the services of the Russian post.
Step 3
At any official meeting, minutes are kept and a general decision is made, so when the alliance dissolves, record everything and collect the signatures of all community members.
Step 4
If the alliance was created from the commercial organizations of CJSC, it is enough to hold a general vote and enter the results into the minutes. Merging into an alliance of ZAO does not lead to the division of the controlling stake, therefore, by dissolving the community, each organization will remain in its own interests. Merger, separation of shareholders is not recorded in the Unified State Register of Legal Entities.
Step 5
When creating an alliance from an association of commercial organizations LLC, any shareholder can be a holder of shares in another organization. Therefore, when the alliance is disbanded, it is necessary not only to enter all the information in the minutes of the general meeting, but also to submit information to the tax inspectorate to amend the Unified State Register of Legal Entities (Federal Law No. 115-F3 of July 19, 1998).
Step 6
If the separation of the alliance occurs due to the infliction of financial losses, all issues of compensation are resolved in accordance with the procedure established by law. If it is impossible to reach an agreement through peaceful negotiations, submit an application to the court, attach the agreement concluded between the members of the alliance when it was created, and a package of documents confirming your financial losses.