An amicable agreement can be concluded between the disputing parties in cases of division of property, payment of alimony, etc. Such an agreement requires legal formalization. If you come to an agreement, for example, when dividing an apartment, this will only be indicated in the title deed.

Step 1
Try to resolve the conflict without going to court. If you have come to an agreement on all the points of the requirements put forward, go to a notary. There are special services for processing documents at notary offices. Give a draft for drawing up an agreement. For a fee, they will write it to you. You can download a sample settlement agreement from the Internet yourself, write your own in its likeness, and then notarize it.
Step 2
In the agreement, the contracting parties indicate the actions that they undertake to perform in relation to each other. For example, in the division of property after a divorce, the husband abandons his half, and the wife, in turn, undertakes not to file for alimony. Be sure to take into account all the nuances when drawing up an agreement. You will no longer be able to file a claim in court after this procedure.
Step 3
If you cannot come to a mutual agreement on your own, sue. The judge will investigate the possibility of drawing up an agreement in preparation for the trial. You can come to an agreement during the hearing on the case, at the stage of execution of the judgment, during the appeal hearing. In this case, control over the legality of the settlement agreement is assigned to the court. The parties state their conditions orally during the meeting. These requirements are recorded in the minutes and signed by the plaintiff and the defendant. When concluding an agreement in court, the parties can agree on the payment of legal costs and expenses for the assistance of a lawyer. On the basis of the protocol, the judge makes a ruling on the conclusion of a settlement agreement. The peace agreement has the force of an enforcement document. By signing it, the parties agree to the terms on which this issue will be settled and waive any claims against each other in this case.