The convenience of using the Internet to pay utility bills and other expenses has already been appreciated by many Sberbank customers. The bank offers several fairly simple ways to find out the balance of your account.

It is necessary
Sberbank plastic card, savings book, telephone, computer with Internet access, ATM
Step 1
You can find out the balance of the account by card or savings book directly at the bank branch.
Take your bank card or passbook, identity document - passport or driver's license. Walk to the nearest bank branch. There, go to the appropriate window (as a rule, this is a cash register) or use a self-service machine.
Step 2
You can find out the status of your account by calling. Call the bank branch where the card (book) was started. State your account number and "secret" word.
Step 3
If you are the owner of a plastic savings bank, and not a savings book, then an ATM will help you find out the account balance. You can use both Sberbank ATMs and ATMs of other banks. Enter your card into the card reader, enter the PIN-code on the keyboard and then follow the instructions of the menu on the ATM monitor.
Step 4
For more "advanced" clients, Sberbank offers the "Mobile Bank" service. You can activate this service directly at the bank branch by writing an application; using an ATM or by calling the bank's helpdesk. To find out the account balance after activating the Mobile Banking service, follow the instructions specified in the user manual that will be given to you upon activating the service.
Step 5
Also, to find out the balance, you can use the relatively new service of Sberbank - "Sberbank Online". You can connect this service in three ways: directly at the bank branch; by phone, if you have activated the Mobile Banking service, or through an ATM. By connecting this service, go to the Internet. Go to the official website of Sberbank. Select the "Online Services" option. Then select the "Sberbank Online @ yn" option. Click the link "Log in to the system Sberbank Online @ yn". Enter the user ID and password you received in the appropriate fields. Then follow the instructions and prompts.