Often there is a need to replenish an account on a bank card, but only cash is available. There are many ways to transfer cash to a card, and it is not at all necessary to have the card itself.

Step 1
The easiest way to deposit cash to a bank card is directly through the bank that issued it. It is enough to come to any branch with a passport, and the operator will transfer the money literally within 3-5 minutes. Naturally, you will need to know the 16-digit card number, and in some cases the name and surname of the recipient if it is not your card. In addition, some banks, for example Sberbank, have special payment terminals in which you can independently deposit funds to be credited to the card of this bank, knowing only its 16-digit number.
Step 2
If you have both cash and a card on hand, you can use an ATM that accepts cash. As a rule, such ATMs are available in many bank branches, and you can check their location on the Internet. The advantage of this method is that ATMs work around the clock.
Step 3
Money can be transferred to the card using various electronic payment systems, such as QIWI, WebMoney, Yandex. Money. Here you will need to know not only the card number, but also the details of the receiving bank, which, however, can always be found on the official website of the bank. Unfortunately, this option has its drawbacks, namely, the transfer fee charged by both the payment system and the bank itself. The pluses include the fact that you can replenish your QIWI wallet in any payment terminal.
Step 4
If the nearest branch of the bank that issued the card is far away, and the money needs to be transferred as soon as possible, then you can use the service for crediting funds from a third-party bank. For example, the "Migom" payment system allows you to transfer funds to a card of any bank within one business day. In addition, such services are provided by Alfa-Bank and Russian Standard. In this case, you will also have to pay a certain commission, averaging 1-3% of the transfer amount.