At many enterprises in Russia, the accounting department transfers wages to bank cards of employees. Both the employees of these accounting departments and the employees themselves have already had the opportunity to see how much more convenient the non-cash form of remuneration is, which, in addition, allows to reduce the amount of work of the accountant-cashier and refuse the services of collectors. If your company plans to switch to this form of payment, you need to prepare for this in advance.

Step 1
In the event that a non-cash form of remuneration is not provided for either in the collective or in the employment contract, employees of the personnel department or accounting department need to carry out explanatory work with the employees of the enterprise and explain all the advantages of this method of receiving wages. Obtain written consent from employees to switch to a new form of payment.
Step 2
On the basis of the consent of the employees, amend the collective agreement and issue an order on the introduction of a non-cash form of remuneration at the enterprise. Indicate in the order the date from which employees' salaries will be transferred to bank cards. In the order, list the documents that need to be amended accordingly: collective and labor agreements, local regulations governing the payment of salaries to employees, for example, in the regulation on remuneration, in the job descriptions of an accountant-cashier.
Step 3
In the order, also oblige the personnel and accounting department to carry out the necessary work, appoint those responsible for the introduction of a new form of remuneration. Instruct the chief accountant of the enterprise in the order (indicating the deadline) to conclude a service agreement with the bank. Familiarize with the order all persons mentioned in it, as well as employees of your enterprise, under their signature.
Step 4
Sign an agreement with the bank to issue plastic cards to your company's employees. Collect applications from the employees of the enterprise with a request that their salaries be transferred to the specified current accounts opened with this bank. Conclude additional agreements with them to those labor contracts that were signed when hiring, in them stipulate new terms of payment for work.