The salary can be white, gray or black, or even in an envelope. Everyone knows about this and have long been accustomed to it. But not everyone knows exactly why the salary can be of different colors.

When the salary is "white", the employer makes all calculations and reports related to the salary (with the State Tax Inspection, the Pension Fund and other organizations) based on this amount. It also becomes the basis for issuing certificates. She has many benefits: the accumulation of personal funds in a personal retirement account, pension rights, thanks to this form of salary, you can earn a decent pension, with it you can get a large loan from the bank.
Gray - a person is registered for a salary, in an amount less than what he receives in his hands. This means that part of the salary is issued in an envelope or in another way, and taxes are paid not from the entire amount, but only from the one that is stated in the documents.
Black - salary taxes are not paid at all, the employee receives all the money in an envelope.
When agreeing to a gray or black salary, the employee acts as a participant in a tax offense committed by the administration, and you should be aware of this. In this case, the employee has no real opportunity to influence the administration if they suddenly stop issuing the "envelope".
In case of dismissal or in a conflict situation, the employee will not be able to prove in court the actual amount of salary. The employer usually calculates vacation pay only from the official, "white" part of the salary. Therefore, before agreeing to a black salary, it is better to think carefully.