The increase in the initial value of fixed assets can be carried out by revaluating them. This procedure not only helps to increase the size of net assets, but also improves the indicators of profitability, business activity and turnover of the company. An increase in fixed assets, in turn, can significantly reduce the size of the taxable base due to an increase in depreciation charges.

Step 1
Familiarize yourself with the main documents that determine the procedure for revaluation and reflection of results in accounting. This procedure is regulated by PBU 6/01 "Accounting for Fixed Assets" and Methodological Guidelines for the accounting of fixed assets, as well as the accepted rules in the accounting policy of the enterprise.
Step 2
Draw up the appropriate administrative document on the revaluation of fixed assets. Indicate the names of fixed assets that will be revalued, the dates of their acquisition, manufacture or construction, as well as the date the object entered the company's accounting records. The initial data of the revaluation will be the initial or current value, the amount of depreciation, documented data on the value of fixed assets. Assign a special commission to increase fixed assets.
Step 3
Select the method of revaluation, which, as a rule, should be specified in the accounting policy of the enterprise. The indexing method consists in using special indices that reflect the impact of inflation. Easier to use is the direct translation method, according to which the market value of fixed assets is determined. Adjust the amount of depreciation accrued on account 02 "Depreciation of fixed assets" by multiplying by the revaluation factor.
Step 4
Document the revaluation carried out. The statement for drawing up the report is determined by the form that must be approved in the accounting policy of the enterprise. Also, the results of an increase in fixed assets should be reflected in section 3 of the inventory card for this facility in accordance with the unified form No. OS-6. In accounting, the revaluation data is reflected by opening a loan on account 83 "Additional capital" or account 84 "Retained earnings" and a debit on account 01 "Fixed assets".